Saturday, December 04, 2010


I have to say, the first couple of years it surprised the heck out of me to see my blog being "followed" by 5 people...two of them were my good friends, then it went up to 20, wow...what did I do?  (I might have given away some stuff...then it grew to 50. I thought this is amazing, I never seem to have much to share, and how many dolls can you post to bring new people in, so I did not blog for almost a year...after a while they all look the same.

In the past 4 months the list went up to 100 followers, well then it seems someone is watching, so I tried to encouraged people to be more active with their etsy sales and to come to my shop to buy my dolls, promoting mine...and lost one viewer or I thought...hey, people want to see new works of art, interesting projects, not to watch me trying to make a I let that one go for a bit and continued doing my normal thing, posting my new dolls, talking about my art and my experience of meeting other artistic bloggers and  in 3 months it went from 99 to 107, someone left...Ha! makes me smile when I see people drop off...what did I do?  Does it matter? ....why count the numbers, sharing with others is fun, but quite honestly, there are times I just post because I want to keep a record of what I have done before it goes.   I see people clicking in the "follow me" button  and then go...hmm...I don't think she is as interesting as I thought...:( Well then...I will blog for myself!  :)

PS...since I last posted, I lost another follower.... counting down...106 :)


etartsilk said...

just wanted to say i am enjoying your blog and your beautiful art works.
thanks for visiting me. etartsilk

Griselda said...

How sweet of you to say, it is good to know :) Have a wonderful day. Gris

TheBlakkDuchess said...

I love to come here for inspiration. You have so much creative energy, it can't help but rub off on me. ^-^

You inspired me to actually make my first large spirit doll, instead of just "thinking about making" her. ^-^

I adore your dolls & love to hear about the thought processes behind each one. ^-^


Griselda said...

My faithful friend, I appreciate your kind words, you have always been present (a present too) for me.
Have a delicious day

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Having 2 of your spirit dolls in my home, I feel like you are here even if I don't visit often. I also am thoroughly enjoying your life stories, too...

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