Saturday, December 04, 2010

Finding old treasures

I enjoy blogging and more so when I can read and peruse other people's blogs, I just love to drift away into spaces that make me green with envy (good envy) because they have all the elements I long to find, or because they seem to have the kind of beauty that makes me feel like I am a kid again searching in those old rooms my grandparents had locked up where my brother and I managed to find our way in from time to time to browse into boxes with old perfume containers that we would sell to other kids for .25 cents!...there was so much in there, my grand father had a store, he was a soap maker and later on I learned he wanted to develop his own line of  perfume...he collected eye glasses and books, all kinds of photo albums from relatives long gone, and I don't mean 50 year old photos, I think when my grandmother got married, she had one of those yard sale in reverse, she packed everything "old", the accumulated "junk" from 3 generations of relatives from a large family that never moved to another can only imagine what my grandmother found when she arrived to that small town, because my grandfather was a bachelor and he lived in the family home with his two brothers, she liked space and total cleanliness, (she was a collector of other things, like fabrics and embroidery materials, more about grandmother in another post) but from the point of view this artist, if I was given the opportunity to go back in time, that must have been equal to Aladdin's Cave...  old stuff and personal items packed away in those two forgotten rooms at the back of a 150 year old the house. I find myself day dreaming of that house, and when I create my dolls, I go into this inner space where I visit with my grandmother, and feel like she is working side by side with me in her embroidery.

I have many sweet memories of those times of treasure hunting  with my brother, I bet that is why I enjoy going to thrift stores.  So...that is what I find when I surf the blogs, inspiration to create in a world of magic with the intention to do my best to share with others too...memories of the past turned into actual, useful works of this morning, I was enchanted, browsing into one of the most creative blogs I have found Vicki's blog

Rusty Rooster! she made my day with all her creativity and wonderful projects, what an inspiration she is.  Come to visit her blog, she has tutorials too.

Back to blogging...I want to thank all the amazing people who create the backgrounds, they have my gratitude. 


Georgina said...

I too have wonderful memories of my grandparent's basement. My grandmother had these huge steamer trunks..she and my grandfather were world travelers...they went to Europe in 1955 on the QEII. I loved playing dress-up with my cousins and loved getting into her glass jewelry was full of beautiful and colourful baubles and jewels (it was her costume jewelry, but we thought it was real pirates treasure).

Thank you for your post, you too took me to a place I sometimes long for...back to my grandparent's house in Mexico...miss the bird room..that's where she kept her birdies at night, away from the neighborhood cats, her garden that always smelled like sweetness from all the beautiful flowers that grew there...and the ducks...she had ducks!! LOL She also had exotic birds that cursed in Spanish!! They picked that up from the servants that lived in this little house off the main house..loved visiting them and played with their children.

Oh, there I went are responsible for all these lovely memories....thank you!!


Griselda said... are too sweet, let me say, that if you had been my cousin we would have played all day long, I feel like we lived in the same house. My grandmother gave me a her cages...aggh...she had 10 or more, but it was so wonderful to do that for her, and the black cats (always black) and grandfathers "senzontle"
he would have special food for them and they just knew when he was coming home. They had live-in maids as well...seems to me in those days everyone did :)

Vicki said...

I have wonderful memories of exploring my Grandmothers attic closet and her basement with my two cousins. If I could have ten minutes to go back in time and save a few of those treasures...just one more visit! Heck, I'd take one crystal doorknob if I only could. Thank you for visiting my blog today. It is so nice to meet you. I will enjoy exploring your blog and getting to know you better!

Vicki at Rusty Rooster Vintage

Griselda said...

you know that you can go back...honestly you is a matter of your mind and heart, make a bit of time to meditate when you are alone in the house, get yourself into a relaxed space, soft music, boil some herbs, include cinnamon and apples...whatever makes the home feel inviting and turn off phones...start by finding a place where you can go down on a spiral staircase and start counting backwards...I promise you will find yourself in that room, recall it a bit at a time corner to corner, you will find a surprise or two, and don't think anything other than this is a game, something you can control, but in that find the blessings and magic, because soon enough you will attract that which you have found in there reality it will come back to your hands...a doorknob perhaps. I will tell you more if you want, just email me. It has been wonderful meeting you. Hugs. Gris

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Very interesting post, and also interesting to read everyone's comments and memories and experiences. Blogging is a little like reading a book you know nothing about but get drawn in...

Griselda said...

Yes Teri, every culture has similarities, I bet if we had other ladies in here from Europe or Asia, Africa and the Middle East they would all sound the same.
It is the being a woman making a next that creates the memories for us, and I hope our kids remember some good things about their home with us as well. I am not very domestic...laughs*...but I love to cook and feed everyone who comes here, and my kids would never complain that I can't make a meal of whatever is around. In the old days, there was so much preparation, I like to toss things together and make a dish (mostly Mexican cooking) As for gardening...well, I guess you have seen mine...not much going on in there, my back does not like to bend much, but I hope they remember music and creativity...lots of it in here.
I am loving this circle of women, thank you so very much for sharing your time and memories with me.

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