Saturday, December 04, 2010

 Winter dreams of long ago orange blossoms...

Reposted for Georgina from My Secret Garden with gratitude for the memories of your grandparents home in Mexico...come with me, sit by the orange tree and visit for a while.

Yesterday I went to preview  a house for sale, the house looks tired and in dire need of TLC, but the backyard has this amazing little space, a secluded corner with broken cobblestones and an old forgotten rose garden, the place is overgrown with vines that climbed up to the trees forming a king of canopy.  When I went under the the orange tree, I was taking by a jolt of memories so intense, I nearly cried...what an amazing feeling, it was the sweet aroma of the orange blossoms, the same aroma I remember from my grandmother's garden and I felt embraced in an aura of protection and if not for the fact that we were there to view the house and in a hurry, I would have sat in the very same spot to meditate.

I wonder if there are points of contact like a vortex in our every day time, where we can enter the other world dimension of days gone by...I long to go to my childhood home, like a ghost I would step back in time and visit my grandmothers garden, entering her kitchen, I see myself watching her move around cooking and doing all those things she did so well...she was a wonderful grandmother and my days were always full of her energy, she is in my mind like a busy bee who enters my present days leaving me with the sweet aroma of Spring blossoms and honey.

(I had two grandmother's in the same town, 2 or 3 blocks away from each other, here you can visit the other grandmother's garden, she did not have oranges, she had 3 beautiful fig trees)

December 7, 2010
I stumbled upon this article:

Intoxicating Smell of Orange Blossom

Monday, December 03, 2007
orange blossomsNancy submits her memories of growing up in Orange, Santa Ana, and Garden Grove in the 1950s, and mentions how each spring, the orange groves went into bloom, and that she never wanted exhale...

This one is also fun to read, remembering the Orange Groves


Dianne said...

What a wonderful memory. Isn't it funny hoe aromas can bring back such strong memories? They say that the olfactory senses are the strongest at bringing back memories. The fragrance of a shrub called Abelia takes me back to my grandmother's. I dreamt about that house the other night. Wonderful dreams.

Griselda said...

Ohh yes, my grandmother had this tree with trumpet like flowers...
amazing aromas, I had the same tree only for 3 years then one morning it was totally gone frozen and was not able to bring it back...but I felt may be it was for the best because it is very toxic if any kid happens to bite on the flower, same as foxglove

Chia said...

What a lovely post. It brought me back to my own grandmother moving about her kitchen, then on to all the other women and kitchens who have warmed my life. It was a perfect mini-vacation and now I feel renewed. You will have to excuse me know, I'm going to sit back, close my eyes, and go garden hopping. The first stop will be the large, fragrant roses outside Grandma's kitchen door...

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Amazing, scent is so important to so many species, cats included. When I was a kid, we lived in So Cal and right in the midst of the disappearing orange groves...wonderful scent!

Griselda said...

Hello Chia, I am delighted sharing my grandmothers garden and kitchen with all of you, and to think it brings equal or similar memories for precious it is, the aromas of their kitchen and the colors in the garden. My grandmother had a laurel tree and also an oleander which was kind of dangerous if you know what I mean, because the leaves are so similar in shape. She had a huge Jacaranda tree, buganvillas and jasmin without counting the 50 some poted begonias and geraniums.

Griselda said...

Yes Teri, I came to California from Mexico City in 1969 to Laguna Beach and there were so many groves of oranges it was an amazing smell while driving down those roads...sad to see it all go.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I enjoyed reading this post, too! I lived next door to my grandmother growing up and have so many wonderful memories! ♥

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