Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Have you ever thought about collecting buttons for the sheer pleasure of it...I mean really collecting them intentionally, perhaps you have let go of a treasure by giving away an old garment (the horror of it) Think about it, a button collection might bring back childhood memories and spark your imagination making your day much brigther.

Colorful buttons can be transformed into little treasures and wonderful jewelery...that is what my little White Raven, the button collector told me... she is here to inspire you to CREATE!

I have started a series of little fae dolls called The Button Collectors (available at Etsy
This is my first. She was felted over a wooden clothes pin, with polymer face adorned with a yellow button, wire and beads.


globug said...

I collect everything,including buttons.You never know what you might be able to use! I love your stuff, especially the art dolls.

Griselda said...

I hear you, the problem for me is not in the collecting, which is actually one of those things I crave...I just wish I was more organized!
Thanks for your kind comments.

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