Thursday, November 13, 2008

Here is an idea for transforming your discarded
house keys into tree or window ornies

For sale at my Etsy Store


girlgonethreadwild said...

Gris, I rAAAAn in to tell you when I crossed these over on etsy I thought how imaginative! So you, so perfectly GREEN (ie. recycling at its best).

You own the key to my heart grrrlie!

Now, why do I not have this blog on my faves? I click in to your livejournal and can NEVA leave a acomment... love it here.
xo, me

Griselda said...

Dat's cus ya needs to sign up to livejournal...:)
I have been kind of duplicating my journals so you are not missing much.
Thanks for your kind are a total inspiration to me.
if you have time...check out my other 3 journals in these pages.

Gris...who misses playing with the bits of colorful rags you send.

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