Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Classic. Noir. Elegant. Edgy. Mixed Metals/Findings. Modern. Funky. Earthy.

If you read my entry from a couple of weeks ago, I had introduce a friend and jewelry designer with a unique bohemian style. Deb Boyle has her work at Etsy ... with original jewelry handcrafted with  quality gemstones, vintage, nostalgic materials.
I decided to give myself a birthday present (Oct.26) so I sent to her a bunch of beads and small charms which I had been collected, but I also, I had fallen in love with her Paradox I asked if she could make me a bracelet with the same theme, she agreed (it is so easy to work with her...and here they are!
I think this is going to be interesting wearing these.

Do we run willy-nilly through our situations in Life by flying by the seat of our pants, or do we stop and consider carefully, questioning, perhaps backing up a bit, to think things through? Good question, hmm? Personally, I go on instinct, my heart and soul are my muses, and my brain generally comes in a distant third. I've been told creative people seem to do this a bit more. ~Deb Boyle

I looooooooooove my new bracelets, thanks Deb!!


Unknown said...

such magical and inspirational works of art!! i am in awe of your talent and creativity :) i will be visiting again for more gorgeous eye-candy...
Many Blessings to you,

beekai_artisan_jewelry said...

Thank you most kindly Gris and it was my pleasure to create these pieces for you. Happy B'Day early.
Love, Deb

ticc said...

Hi Griselda!! Beautiful items. Looks like you've been doing some changes to your blog. It looks very nice, and I love just browsing around seeing all the wonderful items. :O) Hope all is well, and have a wonderful day!!!

Griselda said...

I can't wait to see them in person
Thanks soooo much.

Griselda said...

Yes Susan, I have this thing...
I keep on trying to find "the look" for my blog...laughs*

I hope your day is amazing!!

Sue said...

I really like Deb's jewelry and these bracelets that she created are


Griselda said...

Yes Sue, she is a great designer, I offered to promote Deb's store and her blog by having a give away here and she has agreed, I will let you know.

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