Saturday, November 13, 2010

(((♥))) Queen Mab (((♥)))

The Fairy's frame was slight--yon fibrous cloud,

That catches but the palest tinge of even,

And which the straining eye can hardly seize

When melting into eastern twilight's shadow,

Were scarce so thin, so slight; but the fair star

That gems the glittering coronet of morn,

Sheds not a light so mild, so powerful...

From her celestial car
The Fairy Queen descended,
And thrice she waved her wand
Circled with wreaths of amaranth;
Her thin and misty form
Moved with the moving air,
And the clear silver tones,
As thus she spoke, were such
As are unheard by all but gifted ear.

– Percy Bysshe Shelley



Dianne said...

She's ethereal and beautiful... and the poem so fitting... Well done my friend!

Netty said...

Gorgeous, x

Griselda said...

Thank you Diane, for your comment and for a very inspired morning, I just remember to get ink for my printer, I am going to try making something with my old art, I have not done it for a long time...good practice.

Griselda said...

Hello Dianne, you have such inspiring blog, with many doors to other amazing places...I can just sit there and admire the rest of your world...but I better do something with mine today...laughs*

Vivian Helena said...

Love your new little angel spirits, the whisk is great fun and I giggle with delight when I see them. The little spirit I have sits right next to my computer, she has such a lovely smile,, hugs, vivian

Griselda said...

Hello Vivian, my dear friend, I am going to miss you at the art show!!! May be you can call or email me next time you are in town. I would love to see you before the year is over. Hugs

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