Friday, February 11, 2011

Newest Spirit Dolls

Vernal Equinox Moon Spirit

Spring Equinox Spirit


Rhiannon Blue Moon

Gaia, Moon of endless light

Gaia Moon of Endless Light

Vernal/Spring Moon

Vernal Moon Protector Spirit

Crow Raven Spirit

Crow/Raven Spirit

Woodland and Feathers

Forest Spirit, Woodland and Feathers


Netty said...

All your dolls are fabulous.

Dianne said...

Love them! Especially the Forest Spirit... Just beautiful Griz!

Griselda said...

Thank you so much netty, Dianne and Marilyn, and forgive me for not responding as I like to do, but it has been so busy, I don't get back here as much as I like...
wishing for you a bright Sunday.

SweetErGallery said...

I love your work. So wonderful. I always look forward to see what you're showing us next.

Stitching Upstairs said...

I am just plain awestruck by these wonderful dolls! They could not be more aptly named because they just exude spirit!

Griselda said...

Monte, you are a dear heart, I am glad we met.
I went to your blog...the creativity kit is wonderful, I sell kits to people who want to try their own doll and have posted them at Etsy from time to time...we should have some kits together!! I will send you photos of my new faces.
All my best to you and thanks for the kind comment. Hugs my friend. Gris

Unknown said...

I LOVE my Doll of Love Spirit!!! ShaMan Dingo-Bingo!!! Filled with secrets from the heart. Love you. Thank you for reaching out and finding me!!!I am Bowling you Big Balls Of Red hot Love. Hope it doesn't knock you down. ((((hugs)))))

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